Pro Comfort Heating and Cooling

Indoor Air Quality Services

You may have heard the talk about indoor air quality, otherwise known as IAQ. The quality of the air you breathe is vitally important to your health, and the dedicated experts at Pro Comfort Heating & Cooling, LLC , firmly believe that our customers in Uniontown deserve not only excellent HVAC services but also clean and healthy IAQ.

Symptoms Caused by Poor Indoor Air Quality

The full list of potential symptoms caused by poor IAQ is too lengthy to include here, but these are some of the most common:

We Can Help!

We know how valuable your personal health is, and that’s why we use products and equipment with air filters designed to minimize airborne pollutants in your home. Regular HVAC maintenance helps ensure the cleanliness of your filters. If additional air purification or ventilation is needed, your HVAC specialist will talk to you about other products that can help head off any air quality problems before they compromise your health.